Thursday, May 7, 2020

Here's how California plans to begin reopening

California will begin reopening Friday, and guidelines are being introduced to support the lifting of restrictions.

"It does not mean a return to normal," Health Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly warned as he laid out the state’s plans Thursday.

Retail stores will be allowed to do more curbside pickup and possibly deliveries, likely with hand sanitizer at the door. Ghaly is encouraging outlets to change from direct payment at a cash register and move to a "click and swipe methodology."

Plant workers at warehouses and manufacturers should be further apart, and Ghaly suggests perhaps break rooms will be closed down to prevent people from congregating.

"Delivery drivers will have different personal protective equipment than they did before COVID-19 became a reality,” Ghaly said.

Employers must train employees on how to limit the spread of Covid-19 and how to screen for symptoms on a daily basis. Each location will be required to have a site-specific protection plan including cleaning and disinfecting protocols, Ghaly explained.

Industry-wide guidance will be issued shortly, but some businesses will be able to move further into stage two, which may include the reopening of offices and dining inside a restaurant.

Modifications to the stay-at-home order allow residents to move from phase one into phase two.

Stage one involves the strict stay-at-home order, with only essential businesses remaining open.

Phase two includes "lower risk" workplaces like retail, manufacturing, and offices. Phase three will include personal care businesses like salons and gyms, and the final phase is for the "highest risk" businesses like sporting events and concerts.

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